Developing the Percussionist-Musician, Book 2 SKU: 60930

(INSTANT PDF DOWNLOAD) Developing the Percussionist Musician, Book 2 is a comprehensive percussion method book covering mallet percussion, snare drum, timpani, auxiliary percussion instruments and drumset.


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Developing the Percussionist Musician, Book 2 is a comprehensive percussion method book covering mallet percussion, snare drum, timpani, auxiliary percussion instruments and drumset. Book #2 in the "DPM" series, this book is designed with a step-by-step approach, this text will help the non-percussionist music educator to develop a strong, balanced percussion section. This book is designed for two years of instruction on all of the instruments needed for percussionists to perform with their concert band, orchestra, percussion ensemble & jazz band. Students and teachers benefit from the logical progression of the musical etudes and the evaluation process detail in the text. This affordable and easy to use text is a must-have for band directors.